Last seen: February 4, 2025 3:52 AM
Yeah I think Remote Viewing is legit, I'll check out these two and see how some of their previous interviews sound. Thanks man!
Please do, it would be interesting indeed!
Thanks guys, I'm well aware of Alan. He's old school cool. I have tried before, but it's been a couple years. Maybe I'm a big enough deal now, we'll s...
Nice, I haven't heard of this guy but his theory comes up here and there. I'd definitely be down to do something that jives with Hollow Earth. I...
Thanks, I'll check him out and see what I find.
Haha Yeah, I actually considered that myself afterwards. I have deleted it, but only after I showed a good number of people I trust just to verify it'...
Thanks a lot man, Jan was a handful. I probably shouldn't have done that, you're right, but I'll live with the consequences at this point. I'm totally...
Good to have you!
Thanks for listening, I loved Washington when I visited. The San Juan Islands and the Hoh Rainforest were awesome.
The Beatles thing is definitely interesting, thanks for listening!
Welcome! Thanks for the kind words. I have tried to find the exact option to change that text color, but I just can't seem to find it. I'll try again....
haha Thanks man, and it's always good to see there at least a couple local listeners!
Fair, I do see those titles. I'll see if I can tweak it. Thanks.