Eminent Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: March 14, 2022 11:34 AM
Topics: 3 / Replies: 31
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

I think the problem comes from people misunderstanding capitalism as corporatism.... The system we live under now is not capitalism. Capitalism i...

6 years ago
'Unrestrained Capitalism'???!!! WTF R U CLOWNS SMOKING???

Man this thread could have been so productive if you didnt resort to name calling and such... Both of you have some decent points, and as is the ...

6 years ago
Dr. Michael Salla Ph.D - The Secret Space Program, Antarctica & Exopolitcs

ixdbxi wrote: So much for free speech, you have the nerve to proclaim were all friends struggling against control as you control/censor my ability to ...

7 years ago
Dr. Michael Salla Ph.D - The Secret Space Program, Antarctica & Exopolitcs

ixdbxi wrote: If you're too stupid to read shit and reply with reason then keep your mouth shut and leave me alone dumb fuck, I never asked for your w...

7 years ago

iconoclastrand wrote: I understand people don't trust Trump and the 2 party paradigm is fake. But has anyone exposed it more than Trump? Maybe he is j...

7 years ago
THC Book Club

nickzeptepi wrote: Bump May I suggest a slightly different approach, one which can be more inclusive and allow more flexibility for people who m...

8 years ago
THC Book Club

Not as of yet unfortunately... Between Uni, family, and work Im spread a bit thin. However the concept is not dead and gone. Will keep you all up...

8 years ago
RSS Feed stopped working

TheCarlwood wrote: Should be fixed! Just make sure you're subscribing to: and you've cleared out all the old data/refreshed the app. Let me...

8 years ago
RSS Feed stopped working

no worries, hope it gets sorted soon 🙂

8 years ago
New to speaking up, but not new to the idea.

Hey Fhish, thanks so much for that. I'm a big conspiracy guy. I'm an anarchist. I hate pretty much every government program there is. Including w...

8 years ago
RSS Feed stopped working

Is anyone else still having issues with the RSS? I use Pocketcasts too and it still isnt working for me.

8 years ago
Adam Kokesh - Freedom, Self Governance, Dissolving the state

hatzman, post: 7831, memberA: 5203 wrote: Really interesting episode. I feel like this no government movement doesn't exist (or is very small) here in...

8 years ago
Jordan B Peterson

I second this a million times

8 years ago
THC Book Club

I'll definitely be getting this off the ground soon. I've just moved house. Big move. So I've been off grid for the most part. Currently catching up...

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1241
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