wow... I've been here a month though only actually logged in a handful times. How did I just now find this thread? It has it all.... psychedelic disso...
I personally haven't had much in the way of reincarnation experiences since taking this particular incarnation which is somewhat strange actually due ...
Interestingly, was listening to this earlier today which is Joseph Farrell on Richard Dolan's show (I just let YouTube keep playing):br /> They g...
JMG would actually be a great recurring guest he has so much to talk about. LIke just about everyone else, I don't necessarily agree with everything h...
idefix wrote: thx gave it 2 min and im like, thanks for youtubers and podcasts. how i the blue fuck can anybody sift through that X22 report covers ...
Agree DJ would be a great guest... I understand why he goes about his series in the dancing around it way he does and he's basically spiralling from t...
thunderchicken wrote: Good read. Wow, where to start. I've manifested me self into a good thing going. How does one go about learning sigils and plant...
Looks like I found the right thread right away.... Not only have I used magick to expand my business in the past and am currently doing so as well, bu...
I'm pretty much right in between Atlanta and Athens