Last seen: October 25, 2024 7:05 PM
Sounds like more "white man bad" nonsense
I found Peter to be hard to listen to. He kind of rambles and doesn't really stay on track.
Glad I read through before commenting. OP is looking for an argument, not a debate.
I am not exactly sure what it means, but I know the false flag shootings always have pictures of people with one shoe, or shoes laying around in the c...
Haha, well I live in the Catskills and grew up in the Adirondacks, neither are the Rockies, but definitely not flat by any means.
White guilt is a psyop from the powers that be.
I think we just need more users.
I am down! I live just over the CT border in NY. Let's pick a spot and expore!
Welcome! It'a definitely my favorite podcast. Greg does a great job.
We already know that deep caves and caverns exist, some of which have never been explored all the way down. It is not much of a stretch to believe the...
I think the issue is that if you don't think climate change is 100% caused by humans people automatically jump to thinking you are denying EVERYTHING ...