My favorite album is Freddie King's 1969 opus, "My Feeling For the Blues". The production, the songs, the sound, everything is perfect. My favori...
Whats up friends? Has anyone here made use of this thread? I wish I could've found this when i first got in the game!
keepoffgrass wrote: Hello all, I've been a plus member for a while. First time checking out the forums. Anyone from around here? I'm new to the area. ...
great writing & all around great stuff, OP. thanks for sharing. i wish we had this treatment in memphis 😉
this is one of my favorite books of all time. great stuff.
musk is a tool of the system as is rogan. nothing conspiratorial here - it's them doing their jobs.
The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther Jeff Haas It’s around 7:00 a.m. on December 4, 1969...
Disneyland Of The Gods John Keel 1988 No matter where you live, you may be under the close scrutiny of mysterious entities who appear in many...
genxgemini wrote: You got that right,Td. He suuure did! It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but in my experience - the answer is ...
myalienartlife wrote: Definitely saving the rough map to my desktop and putting in my must hike locations. It's 5 hours away... I'll have to pick one ...
man, he went balls deep into the trump train! right around the time trump announced he was running, the show completely changed. does that mean they w...
very interesting indeed. there are a few good videos on YT about some other potentially man-made structures in the GC. the temple of isis, etc.
nickzeptepi wrote: Have you seen this guys channel? Ancient Architects - Offers his own take on whats found, his mini series on Tutankhamen fake is re...
agenda 21 😉
have you guys heard about Wilcock leaving Gaia? allegedly he claims they're promoting a luciferian agenda & he's not gonna be part of that (I'm paraph...