It most certainly has signs & fingerprints of being a psyop. With that said, NASA is, in my opinion (after years of research), most certainly NOT to b...
Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR to the Kennedy Vince Palamara 2017 While there haven't been many Secret Service related books a...
I don't have that issue, friend. Maybe you've been hacked! Or, maybe someone or some agency is controlling your keyboard app.
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare Michael Hoffman 2001 From 007 to 2001, from Dealey Plaza to the Apollo Moon Flight, from the barre...
Judaism’s Strange Gods Michael Hoffman 2000 In Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his p...
trintdaddy wrote: Sekret Machines:Chasing Shadows Tom DeLonge and AJ Hartley 2016 "Blurring the line of science fiction and fact, Sekret Machine...
Polo, you are quite the Goode fan, no?
i THOROUGHLY enjoyed his interview with Jim Fetzer.
it doesn't say that, but his money grubbing clique promoted the shit out of it. the production is nearly identical to that of Sargents flat earth what...
Jesus In The Talmud Peter Schäfer 2009 "Scattered throughout the Talmud, the founding document of rabbinic Judaism in late antiquity, can be ...
i know im not the only thc'er from Memphis...
seems to be made by mark sargent. in other words, it's garbage.
get passio on GC!
no one? fuck.