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Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: November 28, 2022 2:10 AM
Topics: 1 / Replies: 13
Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

Very interesting, I recently just finished working as a Development manager at Dyson Appliances and its astounding what goes on. They now have over 3,...

6 years ago
Blackbelt in Being Wrong

and im really high atm so stay tuned for a further rant tomoz lol

6 years ago
Gosford Glyphs Australia

Right! seems like an odd place and looks like i can drive take a drive for a few hours and get to the base... you only live once 🙂 Also I'm a mas...

6 years ago
Blackbelt in Being Wrong

Mate i get you and you rock! Thanks for the kind words, this community seems great and much love to all. In regards to the ever impending doom plag...

6 years ago
Gosford Glyphs Australia

I only just found this structure so any input would be helpful 🙂

6 years ago
Gosford Glyphs Australia

Ok tell me this doesnt look strange, this is the north face of the structure where there seems to be a clear difference in trees that point to a trian...

6 years ago
Gosford Glyphs Australia

Gympie+Pyramid,+63+Gympie+Connection+Rd,+Victory+Heights+QLD+4570/@-27.7864472,152.7982385 If that's not a Pyramid then i don't know what i...

6 years ago
Gosford Glyphs Australia

rani wrote: Thanks for the thorough summary. I had always assumed that the connection between Egypt and Aus was more in the astral / Dreaming tha...

6 years ago
Blackbelt in Being Wrong

So true, counting is the last thing i would want to do when trying to release myself on this material construct.

6 years ago
Padma Aon Prakasha

oh yeah hes a English but good to hear he's based down under cause we need all the help we can get. 🙂

6 years ago
Blackbelt in Being Wrong

So those that hath ears to listen may hear.............. i do believe that the words that one writes, coupled with the good intent (that i feel from y...

6 years ago
Padma Aon Prakasha

rani wrote: I know we've had a few 5G episodes, but this guy has a wonderfully uplifting, spiritual take on the phenomenon. He's just uplifting in gen...

6 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 871