Active Member
Joined: September 13, 2021 7:27 PM
Last seen: September 24, 2022 6:26 PM
Topics: 2 / Replies: 10
THC Community-funded Family Leave for Mr. Carlwood?

Great idea. I totally support it. Lots of love for greg and the higherside clan.

3 years ago
Has anyone else seen this movie? Is it just me or does it accurately describe what that present agenda may be planning ????

Same as infoshinobi. i read the book about 15 years ago in early childhood. I loved the book, and thought the movie was pretty great. i can see some ...

3 years ago
I finally found the others.. sup from lake tahoe.

So true man.. I have an eclectic study of religions and ancient beliefs. I know that’s a piece of the puzzle.

3 years ago
Feeling non vaxx isolated

Don’t give up hope dude. I am standing there with you, we are a part of the conscious resistance. It’s time to stand for what you know is right. I don...

3 years ago
I finally found the others.. sup from lake tahoe.

They talk down to us, belittle us, lie to us because they know what is right for us. I call bullshit, we should never give up our power to other human...

3 years ago
I finally found the others.. sup from lake tahoe.

i’m a dude in his mid 30’s just tired of feeling like i’ve been bullied by oppressors my whole life. My goal is to become self reliant, off the grid. ...

3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 460

hello from tahoe. Know of any protest or freedom groups in the area? i’ve been looking to get in with some other like minded people to coordinate pro...

3 years ago
Howdy From Shitney, Australia

Go bravely on my friend.

3 years ago
Hello from Las Vegas!

Hello from northern nevada. What’s it like down in vegas with the vaccine passports? Is the stadium the only venue requiring vaccine? Do you have to s...

3 years ago
New Dad joining The HigherSide + to Dig Deeper into the mysteries and de-program the mind further.

Dude that’s crazy, looks really cool. I was born in Indiana. I have relatives in Anderson and never heard of anything like that in the area. Goes to s...

3 years ago