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Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Topics: 7 / Replies: 34
Ketamine Journaling

Thanks Nick - I'm definitely going to use music. They're not cool with walking around but earphones are a-okay (to be fair, the amount they shoot into...

7 years ago
Replies: 45
Views: 6112
Dr Mallis, hyperattenuated plasma and spacetime, the Qlipoth, the right/left dynamic, and harmonics

Yeah, it does. It seems like anytime one of these nazi bases birth multiple reality homunculi-matrices, they're always either trying to destroy one ve...

7 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 785
Dr Mallis, hyperattenuated plasma and spacetime, the Qlipoth, the right/left dynamic, and harmonics

F*ck me, that little diagram did not turn out right at all. You guys have seen the Qlipoth schematic though, I'm sure. Just try to imagine that ...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Parts 1 & 2 of an e-book/multi-year long Saturn-Abraxas Hypersigil working...

genxgemini wrote: *color me intrigued Cool, here's a quick update: I released Part 3 on schedule. The whole experience has been positive and...

7 years ago
The Ultimate Book Thread (epub, pdf, mobi)

Let's see if I can make this work... 1. The Al Jilwah /& Mashaf Res

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 683
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