Last seen: March 8, 2022 2:21 AM
Thanks for both responses! I have meditated before and used to more regularly but am woefully lacking in that now. I should definitely get back to tha...
That was intense. Could you please send a link for more reading from the Kolbrin? The link in the post didn't work for me.
cbear wrote: nice man, good stuff! how did you come to sell your goods to Easy? if you don't mind my asking, just curious because that sounds like som...
I had the same trouble trying to log in to the forums for a while.
Wow! Don't really know what else to say but WOW!
That good sir was a fantastic introduction. You seem very well spoken and I look forward to reading some of your ideas and view points on different to...
I had the same issue with not wanting the reoccurring payment. After I paid the subscription I emailed and it got fixed.
That title was great!
You are not too far from the serpent mound in Ohio. Would only be a few hours to drive. Maybe be a interesting place to do some camping. Also there ...
This would be a great topic. This is the contact information from the article linked: by "Acolyte" © 2011 Correspondence: c/- NEXUS Magazine ...
Bill Gates is also in favor of the National Common Core standard in the schools I think
Sounds like a hell of a idea. What would be the first book?
botnsould wrote: Nice flies, sir! I like your consistency and proportions, especially with the tiny midges. Do you mostly tie/fish wet flies? I've ...
I like the topic and the missing in National Parks topic also. It's great how you are looking in to your own state, which is clearly unappreciated for...