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Dean Henderson | Royal Bloodline Wetiko, The Civilization Sin, & The Congo Conspiracy

Topics Covered: Alien Overlords, Big Picture Conspiracy, Bloodlines, Elite Families

Show Notes

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About Today’s Guest:
Dean has been an author, activist, independent researcher, public speaker on these issues for over 30 years, and was among the early truth-tellers to be ghosted and deplatformed by social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, Dean’s Left Hook blog had millions of views when it was deleted by the NSA in 2014 and again in 2019, but he keeps on doing his thing and we’re lucky to have him. He’s the author of several books:
* Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf.
* The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries
* Stickin’ it to the Matrix
* The Federal Reserve Cartel
* Illuminati Agenda 21: The Luciferian Plan to Destroy Creation
* Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse
& his latest: Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering
All available on his Amazon Author page.
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PLUS Content

  • The Elite Goal to crown a World King & the strange linage of Prince William.
  • The Privy Council and the Royal Monarchs.
  • Blood, vampirism, & the Red Cross.
  • Effects of empire in decline.
  • Dean’s prescription to reclaim the nation.
  • Lesser known modern monarchs.
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